Thursday, May 3, 2018

Erika's Mom


  1. This life of Veritas shows how chaotic it can be to try and film a video with both family members and sibling around. I really like how you incorporated the clip of your sister because smaller children find cameras amusing. Also I really enjoyed how she laughed in all of her answers knowing she was being recorded and the confidence she had with her answers.

  2. I think it's so nice to be able to have parents talk or people that don't go here, especially when they are adults. You get to see their point of view.

  3. I think that having the parents involved is a game changer in the videos. It's important to hear other voices rather than just student voices. One thing I learned from working in a retirement home is that you learn something new everyday by letting your elders talk and teach you about the things and sayings they grew up with. It's a good opportunity for you to learn something from 30 years ago and take it with you in your future.

  4. Being realistic is something that I really liked. It was really hard recording this since she wouldn't stop laughing, but it just describes her as a person.
