Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Jolissa's Brother

Here is Jolissa's brother with some life advice.


  1. This advice was very solid. Watching this video was compelling enough to feel as though an older brother were talking to me. Overall, this video was very cute and very sweet.

  2. I agree. I already regret a lot of things I didn't do in high school and I'm only a sophomore. I think the best thing we can do is live life and take risks.

  3. The advice is very truthful. It is as ifs you are talking to him one on one. Plus you can see his truthfulness.... #amazing

  4. P.s. your brother is my husband

  5. I agree with the advice he gives about how we must learn to join more clubs in high school. I am a senior now and realised that if I would have joined a club I would have created more memories with my classmates. The activities I have joined have helped me create friendships and I believe that is what he wants other to know and take from this video.

  6. Living with my brother, I am able to get his wisdom a lot. He helps me with a lot of issues that I face and I am so grateful for the unending support and wisdom that comes from my family.

  7. I honestly love this video. Your brother gave some good life lessons and tips. I mostly liked how your brother said "to not live life with any regrets." That was very powerful and it was interesting.

  8. I think it's awesome because he is really saying the truth. Education is important even if we don't think it is.

  9. Your brother is so sincere and honest. I'm glad that you chose him to interview. And, even though the video is short it is inspirational. Great Job!

  10. The way he projects his thoughts and what he says goes a long way. He speaks a lot of facts. It was very well done.

  11. I think the video was great. It's another voice from a different age group as well. It's a good thing most of the videos are mix and match so that every voice from every age group can be heard and the opinions and advice can be shared so that everyone can learn something.

  12. His answer was well explained and good. Even Though he's an adult its a different point of view because of his age.
