Friday, November 3, 2017


Rebekah gives some powerful life advice.


  1. This is the video I made. I wouldn't necessarily change anything about it. Rebekah answered honestly with deep comments and I feel that the message the video sent was powerful.

  2. I love this and I love Rebekah's insight. I sometimes think I know a lot about the world and the people around me, but I know I don't and I know that I haven't had much life experiences in my life that allow me to determine my meaning yet. I think a lot of young people think their perception on the world is the only correct one, and sometimes we need to look at things from another person's view, which is hard but it's essential. Sometimes these influences aren't necessarily good, but they give you an open mind and a broader perspective. I would not change a thing about this video. It raw, authentic, and emotional which is the point of these videos.
