Thursday, October 19, 2017


Here's Zach with some inspiration!


  1. I liked how Zac didn't give a generic or expected answer but instead something completely unexpected and something that isn't like materialistic. Challenges were something I didn't expect but to love things that make you struggle to help you grow is something I admire. Besides that the video was great it was short but powerful.

  2. This video was neatly shot and the camera work was nice and clear. The questions asked were interesting, so it made the video nice to watch. I wouldn't necessarily change anything about this video.

  3. Nice to see that teachers talking their feelings. It's nice to know what others think about a topic/ feeling. The producer did good but maybe find better music.

  4. I love this answer!!! It was unexpected and beautiful. I do agree with what he said; that his love for challenges is based on the lessons that he has learned from them. I really enjoyed seeing him reflect on his life as well as who he is and has become as a person.

  5. I liked the way my video turned out, next time however I would of changed my angle and maybe the environment. But I was very pleased with his answer and how in detail he went.

  6. I'm not sure if I agree or disagree with his answer because of the fact that it is very beautiful, unexpected, and also requires you to really think about it. I don't know how I would answer, because I've never taken the time to really think about it. I think the video was fine, but as Kirstin said, maybe change the angle.
